
Thanks for stopping by.....

I am a new Blogger ... just started a new blog about Indian recipes(veg) and my experience while cooking them.

First let me introduce myself. I am Akshima sharma born and brought up in Delhi, married and mother of a lovely daughter. I am MSC(c.s) and PGDBA.. worked nearly for 8 yrs. Well I am among those who never even thought of entering the kitchen before marriage. But after kid ... I thought why waste time going to office, when you can do wonders from home? Yes! I quit my job and now a full time homemaker trying out new things.

Now I love cooking, do some interior designing, & creative stuff. I started this blog with an intention to share my experience while cooking... in the simplest way.

If you require any vegetarian recipe, please mail me and I would be glad to help you out.

1 comment:

  1. Nice ! So how r you managing blog with kid?
    Plz post some Delhi delicacy


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