Onion Tomato Chutney


Onion -1
Tomato -2
Mint leaves
Coriander Leaves
Curry Leaves
Green Chillies - 1
Red chilli - 1
Urad dal - 2 tbsp
Mustard seeds -1/2 tsp
Oil - 3 tsp
Salt as needed


Heat 1 tbsp oil in a pan, and add musturd seeds, urad dal, ginger and green chilli.

Now add Onion (chopped) and fry them untill they become trasulent.

Then add tomatoes and curry leaves... Saute for few mints.

Add Mint and Coriander leaves.

Salt according to your taste.
Mix well and saute for 2- 3 mints.
Turn off the heat and let them cool to the room temp.
Grind to coarse paste.


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